How would you feel...?

Labour and the Greens (and their friends at 3News) are outraged that the National Party raises money. 3News ran a story for them last night, which you can access here. But the final paragraph began thus:

But raising money this way isn't against the rules.

3News' main disappointment seems to be that National DIDN'T break any rules with its Cabinet Club promotions, which according to DPF have been going in in one form or another for 20-plus years.  But we are suspicious that 3News is aiding and abetting the Greens' push for taxpayer funding of political parties, and suspect that is the real story here.

Of course National isn't the only party to fundraise off the profile of its MP's. DPF's post tells how Labour sold promotional booths at its Conference in Christchurch last year. Among the benefits was this:

Sue Moroney challenged us when we mentioned this on Twitter this morning, saying "You are completely and utterly wrong". Naturally, we took issue with that; here's the conversation, which soon became one-sided. We're sure though that her apology to us isn't far away!

Now some will say that there's a difference between access to MP's and access to Ministers, and they'd have a point. So we did a Google search for "Labour Party fundraising ministers", and here's what we found on the third page:
Yes Dear Readers. In August 2005, Trevor Mallard substituted for Michael Cullen at a Labour Party fundraising dinner in Nelson. At the time, Dr Cullen was the Minister of Finance, and Mr Mallard was, among other things, the Minister of Education; a high-ranking appointment in any Cabinet.
So finally we get to our title; how WOULD you feel if you'd shelled out a reasonable sum to hear the rapier-sharp wit of Michael Cullen, and Trevor Mallard turned up? We know how we'd feel; disappointed. Dr Cullen was an excellent, articulate speaker with a ready wit, and Mr Mallard is not. Trevor Mallard would have been reading the speech prepared by Dr Cullen's staff during work time, and on the taxpayer's dime.
3News is right; raising money this way isn't illegal, as long as the Cabinet Manual is adhered to. Nor is it new, and nor is it the sole preserve of the National Party. 3News staff did themselves no favours last night with its attempt to taint the National Party. 
And both David Cunliffe and Russel Norman have had little success in attacking John Key on the issue at Question Time this afternoon. In fact Dr Norman gave the PM the chance to utter what must be the sledge of the day:
"I think that member's high horse went lame the day he parked it at the Dotcom mansion" 
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