Mike Moore to retire

Political veteran Mike Moore is to retire from public life; Trans-Tasman reports, via Scoop:

NZ's premier political weekly Trans-Tasman has revealed Mike Moore, NZ’s ambassador to the US in Washington DC, is to stand down shortly, ending an extraordinary career in political and public life spanning more than 40 years. Moore lives politics and global business. He entered Parliament with the 1972 Norman Kirk Labour Govt and rose through the ranks from back-bencher to cabinet Minister and somewhat-briefly, Prime Minister.
Trans Tasman's Editors note Moore earned the respect of hard-nosed National Ministers, including John Key and Foreign Minister Murray McCully, who recognised his international reputation and negotiating skills, scarcely acknowledged in NZ, had gained wide respect in world capitals, not least in Washington. Hence his appointment to the NZ Embassy in Observatory Circle in Washington when McCully shrewdly recognised his Labour credentials would add weight to the drive to secure a raft of international trade agreements with a Democratic president in the White House.
Trans Tasman says McCully is considering appointing a career diplomat to succeed Moore, in part because his skill-set is difficult to replace and also because of the constraints of the general election.

Few people have a record of service to that of Mike Moore. He is a former Prime Minister, former Director-General of the World Trade Organisation, and currently holds what is arguably New Zealand's most important diplomatic posting. 

Early in Mike Moore's political career he was struck down with cancer; a brain tumour, if our memory is correct. That may explain his cheery outlook on life, and a sense of humour that was self-deprecating and often of the gallows variety.

We may not have agreed with much of Mike Moore's politics, but his commitment to New Zealand cannot be questioned. He would be a most worthy recipient of a knighthood at some future date as a reward for his service to the country, and in particular, his commitment to trade.

We wish Mike Moore a lengthy and well-deserved retirement.
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