We can't help but wonder...

Labour's candidate in Pakuranga is a psychologist. And Barry Kirker has offered a professional opinion in this presser:

Barry Kirker
Labour candidate for Pakuranga

2 May, 2014
Media Statement on Maurice Williamson
Pakuranga residents expect and deserve more from their elected Member of Parliament, Labour’s candidate for Pakuranga Barry Kirker says.
“National MP Maurice Williamson has failed the people of Pakuranga.
“Taking care of their friends has become standard practise for ministers in the National-led Government. Maurice Williamson’s lack of judgement follows falls from grace from his colleagues including Pansy Wong, Richard Worth, Judith Collins, John Banks and Nick Smith.
“Those who donate to the National Party appear to get special treatment from Government ministers. This is not a trend I want to see occurring in New Zealand.
“Sadly many local people I have spoken to are not surprised by Maurice Williamson’s actions. He has a reputation for questionable judgment and character.
“Locals are also concerned Maurice Williamson has been taking the electorate for granted and pursing his own personal interests.
“In my experience as a psychologist, people who have serious lapses of judgement such as this, have often engaged in similar questionable behaviour before they were caught out.
“I am running a campaign based on the need for new face in Pakuranga, integrity of character, putting people before profits, equal treatment for everyone in the electorate and transparency in Government.
“A Labour government will represent all of society, not just the wealthy,” Barry Kirker says.

Politicians are indeed complex beings, and analyzing them is probably a challenge for even the best psychologist. But given that Mr Kirker has delivered his considered professional opinion on Maurice Williamson, we can't help but wonder what he makes of other politicians.

For example, what does he make of David Cunliffe's demands that everyone else but him have to be transparent about donations when Mr Cunliffe accepted anonymous donations last year via a secret trust. Is this indicative of "similar questionable behaviour" before he was caught out? And what does he make of Trevor Mallard's bullying and innuendo, and his homophobic interjections in Parliament? 

What is Mr Kirker's professional opinion on Metiria Turei, and her claims of racism or sexism whenever she is criticised? What does he make of Hone Harawira supposedly standing up for poor people, then cuddling up to a German billionaire? 

We could even wonder about how Mr Kirker might view Winston Peters, but that is probably beyond the capability of any psychologist! But we do look forward to Barry Kirker producing the examples of Maurice Williamson's "questionable judgment and character" that he alleges. 

After all, a candidate promising "integrity of character" wouldn't make baseless, opportunistic smears now, would he?
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