That's not how it works Trevor

We were listening to Newstalk ZB's 8am news as we drove to work. And a comment by Trevor Mallard almost caused us to drive off the road!

Mallard was thrown out of Parliament for a disgraceful allegation against Judith Collins which he refused to withdraw, despite a warning from the Speaker. As he was leaving, it looked on the TV as though there was another spray from Mallard.

Anyway, the Newstalk bulletin included a quote from Mallard that Judith Collins should prove him wrong if his allegation is untrue.

Thank goodness Trevor Mallard is not Labour's Justice spokesman. Fundamental to our justice system are the presumption of innocence, and the burden of proof. All people are entitled to be considered innocent until proven to be guilty, and in all cases, the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.

If Trevor Mallard has evidence that Judith Collins' family has benefited by half a million from Oravida, let him go public with it, outside Parliament and unprotected by parliamentary privilege. If he cannot substantiate his allegation, he should shut up.

Trevor Mallard has a history of wild and offensive allegations. There was the "American bagman" in 2005, the deeply offensive "chinless scarf-wearers" jibe against members of the Exclusive Brethren in 2006, the "where's Diane" interjection in 2007 against Don Brash, which ultimately led to Mallard punching Tau Henare and appearing in court, and the homophobic "Tinkerbell" interjection against National MP and Minister Christopher Finlayson. Those are just examples off the top of our head, easily substantiated. Mr Mallard is not a pleasant man. Despite that, David Cunliffe yesterday promoted Mallard from Labour's graveyard to #15 in the Labour caucus. Don't lecture National about behaviour Mr Cunliffe.

So our challenge to Trevor Mallard is this; instead of suggesting that Judith Collins do something which is contrary to the principles of natural justice, man up. Step outside the precincts of Parliament, and repeat the allegations, along with any evidence you have.

Should we hold our breath?

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