Quote of the Day - 7 May 2014

Tracy Watkins confirms what we all suspected; Trevor Mallard is a smear-merchant, who makes stuff up:

Clearly seeing which way things were headed, Labour MP Trevor Mallard fell back on the oldest trick in the book to spice the story up for the evening news and got chucked out of the House after lobbing an incendiary allegation in the Justice Minister's direction.
Mallard had interjected that Collins' family had benefited from Oravida to the tune of half a million dollars - a figure he later admitted was based on nothing more than totting up the average fees paid to company directors.
So Collins, whose husband Wong-Tung is a director of Oravida, was not too far off the mark when she accused Mallard of making it up. 

David Cunliffe yesterday promoted Mallard into his First XV. Will he have either the courage or the decency to relegate Mallard again to where he belongs; out of the side altogether, and back to the dirt-trackers, the ones who don't even make the reserves bench?

This is now a test of David Cunliffe's integrity, and of Trevor Mallard's basic decency. If Mallard does not make a personal statement to Parliament today in which he apologises to Judith Collins for his made-up smear against her, David Cunliffe should show some leadership and stand Mallard down. 

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