Tweet of the Day - 3 May 2014

Grant Robertson and Internet Party legal beagle Graeme Edgeler had an interesting korero on Twitter a few minutes ago:

With all respect to Mr Robertson, we take MPs' complaints about airports with a grain of salt. Most of the time, after all, they are flying on our dime. We passed through the same security at Auckland Domestic on Wednesday en route to the Koru Lounge for a cuppa and a snack. We think it's highly likely that most MP's have time to do likewise before they fly; we've seen plenty of them up there over the last few years.

Unfortunately, the actions of a few looney extremists who get their jollies by flying airplanes into tall buildings or blowing them out of the sky have resulted in tough security being imposed at airports. Yes; it's an inconvenience at times, but it sure beats being blown up! We will be flying through the US next year, when we expect to REALLY get a reality check about airport security.

And as an aside, we see that Whanganui MP and Associate Justice Minister Chester Borrows is off to Botswana to represent New Zealand at the Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting. We wish him a pleasant journey to southern Africa where he will represent New Zealand with his usual aplomb, and respectfully suggest that he avoid tweeting about any travel inconveniences lest we feel honour-bound to dob him in!

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