Two perspectives on duck shooting

The duck shooting season opened yesterday. There was enough low cloud in our area first thing that a few ducks will have ended up being eaten, but the weather is more to the ducks' advantage today.

So here are a couple of perspectives on the annual ritual. The first is from Bromhead in the Herald:

Maurice Williamson will indeed be seeking sanctuary after a bruising week. How such a senior MP could have such a brain fade eludes us.

The other is from a shooter himself, and a well known hunter of mallards (and Mallards) himself:

It looks as though duck will be on the menu in the Slater household in coming days. Perhaps as a gesture of goodwill, Cameron Slater should invite Trevor Mallard around for a feed!

As partial as we are to a feed of duck, we've never felt the urge to go out and shoot one. But for those who do, and help keep the duck population under control, good, safe shooting.
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