Another busy month

It has been another busy month at Keeping Stock HQ. Numbers-wise, it wasn't quite an outright record month, but we had the most traffic we've ever had in a 30-day month. Here's our most recent metrics, via Statcounter:

And Ken Perrett from Open Parachute has been busy all morning uploading Sitemeter and Statcounter data for the 300-plus blogs he ranks. Here are the June 2014 Open Parachute rankings:

It's pleasing to still be ranked inside Open Parachute's Top 10 New Zealand blogs. It makes the effort we put into blogging (which often comes at the expense of other, more productive things we could be doing) worthwhile.

As the General Election draws nearer, politics will be our primary, but not our exclusive focus. James Stephenson emerged from hibernation this morning to blog, and we're hoping Nookin will make regular contributions so you don't just have to endure our thoughts. And Curly Sue has promised to keep her creative juices flowing, even though she's been a bit quiet of late!

A blog would be a lonely place if no one visited or commented, so thanks to those of you who take the time to do just that. You encourage us to keep going on days when we could easily flag it.
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