CHICAGO SUN TIMES PICKS UP THE "TRUE NEWS USA EXCLUSIVE" NEWS STORY - Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart allowed 16 year old boy to be ILLEGALLY placed into the adult population of the Cook County Jail where the minor was RAPED by the adult inmates - LAWSUIT ALLEGES

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CHICAGO SUN TIMES: U.S. District Court Judge Amy St. Eve blasts Cook Sheriff Tom Dart's Office for negligence in teen rape case 

Tom Dart has purposely drawn out this case to funnel millions of tax payers dollars to his personally selected law firm - Once again no sign of Andy Shaw or the Chicago BGA - WHERE ARE YOU ANDY????

A federal judge this week blasted Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart’s office, saying correctional officers’ “deliberate indifference” led to the sexual assault of a 16-year-old defendant mistakenly housed with adult inmates in 2008.

Even though the youth told sheriff’s personnel at least five times that he was under 17 — and therefore should have been in a juvenile lockup — he remained in the Cook County Jail for three days, U.S. District Court Judge Amy St. Eve wrote this week.

“Under the circumstances, the sheriff’s officers’ deliberate indifference led directly to the predictable consequence that the adult detainees physically harmed and raped the plaintiff,” St. Eve. wrote in a ruling rejecting the sheriff’s office’s attempts to have a lawsuit in the case thrown out.


Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart's Ineptness about to cost the County Million's more. 16-yr-old Teen mistakenly housed with adults raped at the Cook County Jail. Judge refuses to dismiss suit.. Two top aides to Dart, CCDOC Executive Director Michael Holmes and Chief of Civil Kelly Jackson both testified against the Sheriff's office in sworn deposition that it was in fact ILLEGAL to house a 16-yr-old with adults.. Judge refuses to dismiss suit.. 

At another division of the jail, "John Doe MINOR" said he told at least five sheriff's office employees that he was a minor, but they took no action to remove him from the general population.
That evening, two adult detainees attacked "John Doe MINOR" in the shower and raped him..

Officers placed the boy in protective custody the next morning and took him to the juvenile detention center. "John Doe MINOR" filed suit against Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart, and U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve refused Monday to dismiss the complaint, which alleges failure to train deputies on the basic means of protecting juvenile detainees, resulting in "John Doe MINOR's" assault and rape.

    "It is undisputed that the CCDOC is required to follow Illinois law and keep juvenile detainees separate from adult detainees as a matter of policy," the 15-page opinion states. St. Eve said "John Doe MINOR" provided substantial evidence that the county's procedures for following state law - keeping juvenile and adult detainees separate - failed, and that it was highly likely that a juvenile would come to harm in Cook County's jail.

    "It appears that there is a protocol for when a detainee claims to be under the age of 17 during the intake process, yet in this matter, the sheriff's officer did not notify a supervisor or double-check the necessary paperwork, but instead accused plaintiff of lying," she wrote. "In addition, although the screening sheet and information reports generated by the sheriff's deputies and officers indicate a detainee's date of birth, either there is no system in place for sheriff's officers to calculate a detainee's age or the officers are not trained to look at the date of birth information when transporting, processing, and incarcerating pre-trial detainees. "Under the circumstances, the sheriff's officers' deliberate indifference led directly to the predictable consequence that the adult detainees physically harmed and raped plaintiff," St. Eve concluded.

WHAT DOES TOM DART HAVE ON ANDY SHAW???? Other than Andy's nutsack?
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