The dying Ald. Ed Burke unveils ideas as to how to honor the dying Mayor Jane Byrne

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The forgotten mayor . . .

On the eve of his prostate cancer surgery, Ald. Ed Burke did not forget to honor the forgotten legacy of an ailing former Mayor Jane Byrne.

Burke, who had rescheduled his cancer surgery to accommodate a Wednesday City Council meeting — he hasn’t missed a meeting since  taking office — urged his peers to name an appropriate venue after the city’s one and only female mayor.

“I would ask this entire body to come together to find a way to do so,” Burke said. “And I would suggest the time for action is now.”

A series of four resolutions unveiled by Burke and read into the record by Chicago City Clerk Susana Mendoza — a big supporter of a memorial honoring an ill and frail 81-year-old Byrne — involved renaming:

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