BOMBSHELL REPORT!! Elijah Cummings Heavily Involved in IRS Scandal…Could Face Prosecution

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Elijah Cummings has been trying to kill the investigation into the IRS scandal, making ridiculous claims and calling it a witch hunt.  Well, it caught a big witch by the name of Elijah Cummings.  Emails that have been released, shows that Cummings was eyeball deep in the scandal, asking for and receiving information on the conservative group, True the Vote, from Lois Lerner.  His office illegally received confidential tax records from the group.  Cummings is denying his involvement, despite his email asking for the same information that he received.

On Wednesday, committee chairman , Rep Darrel Issa accused Cummings of being complicit in the IRS targeting of conservative groups.  In an email turned over to the House Oversight Committee, Cummings asked for dirt from the IRS (which is a felony since taxpayer information is private) on True the Vote.  Within days of that email, Lerner sent out a questionnaire to True the Vote asking them all sorts of private questions.  Days after receiving those answers, Lerner sent the information to Elijah Cummings.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, has testified to Congress that her group was targeted by the IRS and the emails fit into the timeline perfectly.  True the Vote spent years trying to get their tax exempt status approved.  Recently we learned that despite the cries from the liberals that their groups were targeted too, agents at the IRS testified under oath that all progressive applications were approved.

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