Liu lawyers up

Donghua Liu is taking threats of legal action from the Labour Party seriously. Far from backing down and issuing an apology, the Chinese businessman has lawyered up with a high-profile QC. Jared Savage continues to tell the tale in the Herald, which is also showing no signs of backing down to Labour's threats:

Millionaire businessman Donghua Liu has hired a high-profile Queen's Counsel to deal with any legal action from the Labour Party.
Aucklander Paul Davison, QC, is heading a team of advisers for Liu reviewing the property developer's records following the comments of David Cunliffe this week.
The Weekend Herald understands this includes more than 30 photographs taken over 18 months linking Liu to Labour, including a fundraiser at an Auckland restaurant and a trip to China, where he hosted a Cabinet minister in 2007.
Liu is also seeking to retrieve financial records held in China.

The Labour Party seems to have forgotten that reputation is very important in Chinese culture. And by implying that Donghua Liu is corrupt and has told lies, Labour has given the businessman added motivation to prove what he has alleged in his statements. The fact that he has given documentary evidence and photographs to his lawyer, and is seeking to retrieve financial records from his home country is an ominous development.

Despite Labour's cheerleaders at The Standard and the Daily Blog (who include among their number one of David Cunliffe's closest confidantes and other Labour Party staffers) declaring that there is nothing to see here, we reckon there's plenty to see. And if Jared Savage is worth his salt as an investigative journalist, he will continue sniffing around as well.

And all the while, Labour stays in the news for all the wrong reasons...

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