Rick M. Selling, 67, caught choking his chicken at public pool - He has a history of public indecency convictions

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PHOTO: Rick "The Dick" Selling, a compulsive masturbator 

A Glenview man with a history of public indecency convictions was charged this week with touching himself at a Palatine pool.
Rick M. Selling, 67, of the first block of Ardmore Avenue in Glenview turned himself in to the Palatine police station on Wednesday and was charged with public indecency for "committing sexual conduct in a public place," according to a Palatine Police news release.
Saturday afternoon, Selling was seen sitting in a lounge chair at the Family Aquatic Center, 340 E. Palatine Road, "repeatedly rubbing the outer portion of his shorts, stimulating himself for 20 minutes" as he watched other swimmers, police said.
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