Take a good look at this gang banging illegal beaner's face - Sergio Garcia - No Bail for Chicago shooter

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This tattooed up piece of shit illegal beaner is where are fucking tax dollars are going. The liberal puke elected officials in Illinois pander to these illegal aliens every day as these same elected officials threaten to cut your pensions, social security and city services......
If I am king for a day - here is a simple law - you tattoo up your face and neck with gang tattoos - you can not receive any government benefits of any kind!
We are paying these assholes to be gang bangers! Our tax dollars paying these assholes to commit crimes and to murder and wound people!

A judge today denied bail for a 19-year-old Indiana charged in connection with a June 17 shooting in the city’s East Side neighborhood, police said.

Sergio Garcia was in court Sunday where a judge denied bail.

According to a release from the Chicago Police Department’s Office of News Affairs, Garcia, of the 1800 block of La Porte Avenue in Whiting, is facing aggravated battery and attempted first degree murder charges in connection with the shooting, which occurred about 12:19 p.m. in the 9800 block of South Avenue J.

Police said Garcia shot at two men in the incident, with both shots coming from a light-colored sedan.

A 25-year-old man was shot in the back and taken in serious condition to Advocate Christ Medical Center; according to News Affairs Officer Janel Sedevic, he is still hospitalized.

The second man, a 20-year-old, was not injured, Sedevic said.

Garcia was arrested June 26, police said.
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