Luis Gutierrez goes limp (as usual) on House GOP immigration reform deal

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WASHINGTON — In a major switch, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., a leader in negotiating with House Republicans on immigration reform, declared Wednesday there is no chance for a deal and called on President Barack Obama to issue an executive order curbing deportations.

Gutierrez pronounced immigration dead in a speech on the House floor, delivered as Friday marks one year since the Senate passed a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill on a robust 68-32 roll call.

“You’re done. Leave the field. Too many flagrant offenses and unfair attacks and too little action while you run out the clock. You are out. Hit the showers. I’m giving you the red card,” Gutierrez said, using a World Cup reference.

“First of all, your chance to play a role in how immigration and deportation policies are carried out this year is over.

“Having been given ample time and space to craft legislation, you failed, the president now has no other choice but to act within existing law to ensure that our deportation policies are humane, that due-process rights are protected, that detention conditions are as they should be, and most importantly — that the people we are deporting are detriments to our communities, not assets to our families, economy, and society,” Gutierrez said.

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