Alfred for Te Atatu

We met National Party List MP Alfred Ngaro last year and were most impressed by him. We've previously posted his maiden speech to Parliament in 2011, which was widely acclaimed.

Last night Alfred won selection to stand in the Labour-held seat of Te Atatu; the National Party website reports:

The National Party has announced that Alfred Ngaro will be its candidate for the Te Atatu electorate at the 2014 General Election. Mr Ngaro was selected by a meeting of local party members tonight. “Alfred has been tireless in representing Auckland’s diversity, ensuring that all communities have a strong voice in Government. His experience makes him an outstanding candidate, and he will be a great representative for Te Atatu if elected in September,” said Northern Regional Chair Andrew Hunt. “National won the party vote here last time and we’ll be working hard to do it again by getting all our supporters in Te Atatu out to vote.” “I also want to thank Tau Henare for his dedication to the electorate as a List MP over the past nine years." Mr Ngaro said he was honoured to receive the nomination and was looking forward to the challenge ahead. “It’s incredibly humbling to be chosen to contest the seat for National and Te Atatu’s communities,” said Mr Ngaro. “Under John Key’s leadership, this National-led Government is delivering real opportunities for West Aucklanders.
“We’ve been focussed on bringing more jobs and better public services to the region, and I am committed to ensuring that Te Atatu has a strong local voice in National at the election.”

Labour's Phil Twyford won the seat from Tau Henare in 2011. Although Mr Twyford's majority was north of 5000 votes, National won the party vote in the electorate, and boundary changes announced recently will be favourable to National.

Alfred Ngaro will launch a formidable campaign. And we will make the prediction now that the Te Atatu result could be one to watch on election night. As New Zealand's first MP of Cook Islands Maori origin, Ngaro will have plenty if support from Pasifika people in the electorate.

We wish both Messrs Twyford and Ngaro well for what could be one of the more fascinating general electorate contests in September. We will be keeping a close eye on Te Atatu.

Footnote: Alfred's bio on the above link makes impressive reading.
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