Hoist by his own petard

The decision in R v John Archibald Banks is now available online. In between tasks at work, we are slowly reading through it.

But we've just come across this paragraph:

You can't escape the irony here. In his desire to be transparent, and to comply with the "spirit of the law", John Banks chose not to hide his donations behind a secret trust. On the other hand, Len Brown hid almost $500,000 worth of donations behind the secret and previously unknown New Auckland Council Trust.

Len Brown wasn't worried about the "spirit of the law", and hid his donations in a manner that no one will ever know who his backers were. John Banks has clearly erred in not declaring the Dotcom donation, and will pay a high price. His desire for transparency was commendable, even though some of his decisions were poor ones.

Mr Banks is hoist by his own petard.
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