Imperator Fish on fishy confusion

Scott at Imperator Fish is confused. In the wake of David Cunliffe's Maui's dolphin flip-flop, IF has posted this plaintive cry:

As a Labour Party member, I’m becoming increasingly confused about the party’s position on the Maui’s Dolphin.
I thought we were for the dolphins, but now I’m wondering if maybe we were against them all along.
I don’t mind either way. I’m a loyal party man and I’ll do what I’m told. If it’s decided that the Maui’s Dolphin must be sacrificed on the altar of progress, then that’s fine. I’ll just tell myself that they’re only glorified fish. But I do need to know one way or the other, in case I’m asked by someone what Labour’s policy is.
Are we for saving the Maui’s Dolphin? Or is our policy, like National’s, to drive those cetacean bastards to extinction?

We understand Scott's frustration, which will doubtless be shared by a league of dolphin-loving aspiring Labour MP's, including Tamati Coffey. Party members and candidates don't deserve to be blind-sided by sudden u-turns from the leader when he holds his finger up to the winds of public opinion. 

Then again, could this be such a cunning plot from Mr Cunliffe and his confidantes in the War Room that you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel? Is this a way of getting Donghua Liu off the front pages of blogs and newspapers?

Perhaps, but we doubt that Mr Cunliffe has the smarts to do something like that. Anyway, could he be sure that Donghua Liu isn't a secret fan of marine mammals?
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