It won't go away...

The Donghua Liu/Labour Party donations row is not going to go away; not when tweets like this appear out of nowhere:

By Mr Liu's standards, a mere two grand probably isn't a lot of money. To most of us though, it's a substantial amount, and to a rowing club, it would have been like manna from heaven. 

And it does seem odd that Mr Liu would make a donation to the sports club of the daughter of a man who claims to barely know him. It certainly doesn't do a lot to authenticate Rick Barker's narrative of events.

Where is this all going to end up?

UPDATE: 3News reports:

Parts of Donghua Liu's claims regarding political donations may be starting to stack up.
Hawke's Bay Rowing Club has confirmed the controversial businessman gave $2,000 to the club because the daughter of then-Labour Party Minister Rick Barker was a member.
The rowing club bought new blades with Mr Liu's cash.
Mr Liu also claims he gave a total of $150,000 to Labour, but that's being disputed by the party.
President Moira Coatsworth says there's no evidence for the claims.

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