Quelle surprise...

As regular readers will be aware, Martyn Bradbury is paid by several unions to run the Daily Blog. He's also paid by his bestie Kim, and the reason for that is now apparent.

The Daily Blog is, like us, running unscientific election polls. Here's the latest one, sent to us by a reader who took one for the team and ventured over there:

It's interesting that Martyn Bradbury's blog is the only place that has MegaMana featuring prominently in a poll. Perhaps Martyn has been spending his days voting, deleting the cookie, voting, deleting the cookie, voting etc etc.

But it's also interesting that at a blog funded by the union movement, with many of said unions affiliated to the Labour Party, Labour is trailing both MegaMana and the Greens, with a mere 20% of the vote. 

If Labour can only register 20% of the vote on a blog which should be friendly towards it, the party is going to be in big trouble when it goes to the country in September.

Footnote: The latest Keeping Stock political poll will go up on Friday morning, and will remain open until 7pm on Friday 20th June; exactly three months from the moment when the polls close in the 2014 General Election.
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