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And by the way Obama... Can you pardon my felonious son and daughter-in-law too????
“These are champions,” Jackson said Saturday as the two appeared with four players from the Southwest Side high school at Rainbow PUSH. “The city championship title should be restored.”
Jackson presented blue track suits to Oliver and the players, along with dress suits “to lift them up.”
“These are a special group of young men, and at first they didn’t want to get their jackets. They felt ashamed, embarrassed,” Jackson said. “But they need not feel embarrassed. They won the game.”
Curie, the Chicago Sun-Times’ No.1-ranked team, was stripped of its city title and its 24 victories for the season after a Chicago Public Schoos investigation, sparked by an anonymous tip, found that seven Curie players had been ineligible for the entire season because of paperwork that wasn’t filed.