Two Qurans (Korans) set on fire in front of Islamic Mosque in Dearborn, Michigan - possibly to cook a pork chop with - AND NOW KORAN (QURAN) TOILET PAPER FOR SALE!

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DEARBORN, Mich.  - Two Qurans (Korans) were set on fire in front of an Islamic Mosque in Dearborn. 
The Imam, Sheikh Husham Al-Husainy, showed the charred Qurans to 7 Action News Reporter Jim Kiertzner and calls it a hateful act. 
It happened just days before the controversial Pastor Terry Jones and a motorcycle group called American Patriotic Bikers plan to visit another Mosque on Flag Day for what they call a protest against Sharia Law. 
Jones has burned a Quran in his church in Florida and has been to Dearborn before. 
The burning this week happened on Warren in a quiet part of Dearborn. 
Only one business has a surveillance camera and the burning was out of camera range. 
No one witnessed it.

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