Updated: Just awful

UPDATE: The Herald reports:

A 13-year-old boy has been charged with murder over today's death of Auckland dairy owner Arun Kumar.
Mr Kumar, 57, was allegedly stabbed in the neck during what police described as an aggravated robbery at Railside Dairy in Henderson.
Two boys, aged 12 and 13, were being spoken to by police this afternoon.
Police tonight said the 13-year-old had been charged with aggravated robbery and murder. The 12-year-old had been charged with aggravated robbery.
Both boys had been placed into the custody of a secure Child Youth and Family facility overnight, ahead of their court appearance in the Waitakere Youth Court tomorrow, police said.

Whilst it is pleasing that the Police have made arrests so quickly, it's a sobering reminder that knife crime is far too prevalent, and a moment of madness can have deadly consequences.


Our hearts go out to the family or murdered dairy owner Arun Kumar tonight. His death is a blow for the Henderson community; an attempted robbery gone wrong, with dreadful consequences.

But this news is possibly even worse:

Two teenage boys, aged 12 and 13, are being spoken to by police in relation to the murder of dairy-owner Arun Kumar, 57.
Detective Inspector Bruce Scott said at a media briefing at Waitakere Police Station this afternoon that no charges had yet been laid.
He said the two boys were known to police.

That a twelve-year-old and a thirteen-year-old are suspected of this crime is disturbing enough. That the boys involved (and yes, they are just boys) were already known to the Police, presumably as a result of their previous conduct is doubly disturbing.
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