Chicago Public Schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett aims to cut suspensions, expulsions of young black kids - no matter how serious the infraction or who they hurt/injured - As requested by Pres Obama to all schools in the USA

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Black & Hispanic First- and second-graders in Chicago Public Schools will be spared from school suspensions if proposed disciplinary changes are approved at this week’s Board of Education meeting. And so will students busted for chatting on cellphones in class.
CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett said Monday that she will formally ask the board on Wednesday to revise the Student Code of Conduct to reduce the number of suspensions and expulsions throughout the district, moving it away from a “zero tolerance” disciplinary policy and toward less punitive “restorative justice” practices.
Along with exempting the youngest students from suspension unless they have weapons, CPS wants to give principals more discretion on all but the most serious offenses, and removes many offenses — such as theft — from the mandatory call-the-police list. Administrators and teachers will receive more training, though not more money, Byrd-Bennett said.
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