Sledge of the Day - 7 June 2014

With the General Election now little more than three months away, there's plenty of banter going on around the traps.

Unsurprisingly, David Cunliffe is copping his share of ribbing, given his constantly changing policies (immigration, to name just one), more policy launch glitches, and his general yeah-nah style.

Botany MP Jami-Lee Ross has sledged Mr Cunliffe on Facebook:

David Cunliffe has only himself to blame for these kinds of comments. Surely, as a politician of 14 years' experience, he must have seen the potential danger in setting up a secret trust to receive anonymous donations.

Kudos to Ross for pointing out this apparent hypocrisy on the part of the Labour leader. We have already reflected this week in the naked self-interest in Mr Cunliffe's Road to Damascus conversion with regard to coat-tailing, and we once again thank him for being such an easy target!
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