O'Sullivan on Banks

Posts today will be relatively brief, and to the point. We're visiting a family member in Christchurch who is recuperating from a major operation, and our first focus isn't blogging.

We've just had a quick read of Fran O'Sullivan's Herald column this morning on John Banks' fall from grace. It's worth a read in its entirety, but we agree with her closing sentiment:

Banks is a smart man. He is intensely loyal. He needs to reflect on what has happened. Then do the decent thing and resign.

We concur. Even though John Banks escaped a conviction and automatic expulsion from Parliament on Thursday afternoon, he has still been found guilty of a criminal offence. Even though the offence is not related to his tenure as an MP and was committed a year before his return to Parliament his credibility has been seriously tarnished.

Acknowledging Justice Wylie's finding of guilt, even if he later plans to appeal the decision, and accepting the inevitable consequence by resigning from Parliament before he is legally obliged to would at the very least give Banks an opportunity to show contrition, and begin to rebuild his reputation.
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